Better Know and Manage Anxiety

Beyond Casual Conversation

Burke Counseling & Consulting, Inc.

My Friend Anxiety

How to better know and manage your friend.

My Friend Anxiety Classes 2025

by John Burke, MSW, LCSW, LSCSW

Beginning in January of 2025; we will be offering a 8 week class about anxiety and its management. We will be learning about the purpose of anxiety, how it goes awry and how to manage its symptoms so that they affect your life less. We will emphasize in class learning and practice. Expectations are that all 8 classes will be attended and that homework will be done. No one will be expected to talk in class but attendees just might be called on by the instructor.

Cost is $45 a session for a total of $360. Your insurance may cover the cost of the class.

If interested please contact John Burke at 816-763-6540 or

Burke Counseling